Parking at Barnsdale

All buses will use the north lot as a drop off lane. We will have one staff member on the corner of the sidewalk signaling the buses to release students and to guide students into the building. Families may use the cut-out lane in front of the building as a drop off line. This is a "bye and fly" location. In order to keep the traffic moving, it will be critical for your child to be able to unbuckle him/herself, kiss you goodbye, and head out of the car independently. We do not have enough staff members to open car doors. Parents will need to pull forward as far in the lane as possible when entering and remain in the car in order to keep the line moving.

If you arrive after 8:35 and there is no staff at the door, your child will need to enter door #1 to check into the office. Forest Road area families dropping off for 8:15 will need to use the drop off lane on Forest Road. Traffic on Forest Road is one-way going northbound. Families using the drop off lane will drop students off at the sidewalk north of Forest Road School and have their child walk to the back doors by the playground where staff will greet them.

The buses will use the north lot before school only, so we will run the drop off lane only in the morning. We will not have a pick up line at the end of the day. If you prefer to park and walk your child to the door, street parking is available on Barnsdale south of Jackson, on Garfield, and Homestead north of the school. You should not park on Jackson between Barnsdale Road and Forest Road during drop-off. These streets are used as the drop-off lane for Forest Road. Parking impedes the line and can be an unsafe place to get in and out of your car.