Arrival Procedures
Car Riders / Walkers - ARRIVAL
If you are choosing the drop off option at Barnsdale, the parking lot to the south of Barnsdale Road School is not for a drop-off / pick-up line and is closed during school hours to parents, unless you need handicapped parking. The lot is designated for staff parking only due to the fact that staff in two buildings use the lot.
We have a “bye and fly” drop off lane in the front of the building from 8:30- 8:35. In order to keep the traffic moving, it will be critical for your child to be able to unbuckle him/herself, kiss you goodbye, and head out of the car independently.
Please have your child exit on the sidewalk, not into the street. We will have staff members watching for buses and waiting inside the open doors, but no one will be available to help with cars.
You may also park in the north lot or north / south of the building on Barnsdale and on Garfield and walk your child to the middle doors (Door #19) at 8:30 if you do not want to use the drop off lane.
Car Riders/Walkers - DISMISSAL
Students who are being picked up by adults at 3:00 (2:15 on Wednesdays) will be released from the middle doors (Door #19) as soon as the bell rings. Staff will release the students as soon as eye contact is made with the child’s parent or transporting adult. We do not have a pick up lane.
Forest Road Students - ARRIVAL
Students can line up in the morning at our back doors near the playground. A staff member will open the doors at 8:15 when the Forest Road bell rings. These students will go to their classrooms and be supervised by their teachers until the Barnsdale bell rings. Any students attending Barnsdale’s BASE in the morning will also be released to the classrooms at this time.
Forest Road Students - DISMISSAL
Forest Road Students have the option of staying and being supervised until 3:10. Teachers will dismiss these students from the back of the building, near the playground as soon as eye contact is made with the child’s parent, or another adult/sibling.
Cossitt / Ogden Shuttle Bus Riders
The buses will leave the home school promptly at 8:20 (please try to arrive by 8:15) and will return to the schools by 3:15. Each bus will have a Bus Monitor to supervise the students before, during, and after the bus ride. Students must wear a mask at all times while riding the bus.
Cossitt Students will line up on the playground near the half-day students and be escorted to the bus on Ashland Avenue when the bell rings. At the end of the day the students can be picked up at the bus on the east side of the building (Madison Ave.).
Ogden Students will line up near the North Waiola doors and be escorted to the bus on Waiola when the bell rings. At the end or the day the students will meet their parents near the North Waiola doors.