Winter Party

The Winter Party is organized for all Kindergarten students at lunch. Room Parents do not plan this event but will be called to assist. See Kindergarten Guidelines. The Executive Board Room Parent Coordinator has details for this party.

  • The PTO provides cheese pizza for lunch for all Kindergarteners. Half the students have lunch, then recess and the other half have recess, then lunch.
  • While your class is at recess, Room Parents will assist in the lunch room serving pizza and supervising. After lunch, the room parents go back to the rooms for a couple games with the classes.
  • The PTO also provides a “thank you” lunch to the lunch room staff during that time.
  • During lunch, a reading of “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” will be performed by a guest (John Anderson Kathy Boxell usually contacts Mr. Anderson and arranges the visit with him.

Notes and Tips from Prior Years