School Pictures
On Picture Day, 4 volunteers is sufficient (assuming 9 - 10 classrooms, ~300 students). Van Gogh is very good with the kids and help keep things moving.
1 - 2 volunteers are needed for Picture Re-Take day.
Check the school calendar for dates.
The committee chair checks with the school front desk a day or two before picture day to get the schedule, and contacts the other volunteers to remind them that they signed up. You may want to split volunteers into shifts if you have a lot. Then you just help your volunteers know when to go get the next class as you move through the schedule.
See also: Yearbook
Van Gogh Photographers
Contact: Geri 847.382.2282
Contract is signed in the Spring for the following fall. Each year (in December or January) we receive 20% back in a rebate check from the pictures (this has nothing to do with the yearbook).