This is an hour long party for Kindergarten students. There is wacky dancing, bandana decorating and a light snack. Check our calendar for the current school year's event date.
A chairperson is needed to coordinate activities and manage volunteers. Make sure volunteers understand their roles.
Volunteer Needs:
2 Volunteers are needed on Gym Duty at the beginning of the event before the music starts (~15 minutes)
No running
Consider some organized games
2 Volunteers are needed to make sure kids are safe while dancing
2 Volunteers are needed in the halls to make sure kids do not go upstairs or toward the outside doors.
2 Volunteers are needed at the snack table (pretzel sticks and water. Generally, 15 bags of pretzel stick have been sufficient).
Monitor doors to make sure no snacks are taken into the gym
1 Volunteer needed to do Tattoos
1 - 2 Volunteers needed at the Bandana table
Volunteers should all wear a Hootenanny Bandana or some other distinguishing item, to make them visible to the students and parents.
Purchase pretzels and cups, and arrange for water coolers.
Make sure the snack table has sufficient supplies. Use cups to hold pretzels - not just napkins.
Dancing is somewhat structured, alternating PE songs / dances with other songs. The PE teacher directs the dancing.
This is a Drop Off event. Only parents who have assigned volunteer roles should attend! This is a free event sponsored by the PTO and is for Barnsdale Road Kindergarten students only (no siblings).
2021 Plan
2023 Plan and Signs