Expense Reimbursement Procedures

Expense Reimbursement Procedures

-- Complete a Check Request Form. Supporting receipts are to be attached to all Check Request Forms. Expenses should be submitted promptly, preferably within the same month of the event.

-- Email the Check Request Form to the PTO Treasurer. If a check is needed by a certain date, please communicate this to the treasurer.

-- The Treasurer arrange a convenient time and location to deliver the check to you. Please include your address on the Check Request Form.

-- If you do not wish to front the money, you can get a check written out to the vendor from the Treasurer in advance of a purchase. At least one week's notice is required and the Check Request Form with attached receipts is still required.

-- Tax Exemption Forms can be found in the PTO mailbox. These forms are needed to exclude sales tax from Barnsdale PTO purchases.
