End of Year 2010 - 2011

Year End Party was held Tuesday, May 31st from 12:30-2:00. An email was sent to all of the lead room parents so they know where to be and when to be there. I asked all of the room parents helping with this party to show up at 12:00 so we can find their station and get their game set up.

Children will come to their stations from their rooms at 12:30! The map is busy but I know how the rotations will work and where each class needs to go next. I will also brief all of the room parents on who comes to their station next and where the children go next so there is no confusion.

Each game will last 10-15 minutes and will then rotate to the next station. We will have two stations of children at the snack station at one time if we are outside and they can play on the playground when they finish their popcicles. I will also bring bottled water in case it is really hot out.